Cover your fridge with these cuties!
Select designs are now available as magnets.
$4.50 - $4.75
For the rice lovers!
Hope you're having a rice day. The onigiri sticker comes in two sizes.
$3.25 - $3.50
Ya-cutie Sticker
The 2" inch stickers are great to decorate your belongings with smaller surfaces such as your phone case, iPad, or water bottles!
$3.25 - $3.50
Miss your face so matcha Card
Haven't seen your favourite person in a while? Get this card to make their day!
Snake plant sticker
Perfect for brightening up your laptop, water bottles, or any other surface!
Vita Lemon Tea Sticker
Stand out from the crowd with this vita lemon tea sticker.
$3.25 - $3.50